Sunday School News!

Vacation Bible School

In short, it was a blast! There were 25 children registered with about 20 children attending VBS on any given evening.  Thank you to all of the many people who helped with VBS this year!  Over $300 was raised to assemble five “Welcome Home” baskets that were donated to people who are moving out of Our Neighbor’s Place into permanent housing.  Our “Sunday School 2nd Sunday” on September 14 will have a recap of VBS during worship!

Rally Sunday

We had a picture perfect day as we kicked off “Rally Sunday”, last Sunday!  The Sunday School kids welcomed the congregation with sidewalk art at the front door and spent time getting reacquainted with outdoor fun and games.  The three years olds and third graders were presented with age appropriate bibles, and backpacks were blessed for all students during worship.

Sunday School is from 9:15-10:15; all children from age three through sixth grade are warmly welcome!

There are some exciting things happening as we look forward to learning about God’s love and grace at Rush River Lutheran!

Sunday School Second Sundays

During Sunday School on 2nd Sundays we will have our Sunday of Service (S.O.S.) as we listen to God’s call to be His hands and feet.  Each month, all students, with their families, will join together to complete a mission project and discover ways to love and serve our neighbors.

Worship on Second Sundays will also be family centered, with children reading, greeting and acting out skits.  The Children’s Choir will sing during worship and a “Joyful Noise” special offering will be taken.

2nd Sundays will also be a service of Holy Communion, giving families the added opportunity to commune together.

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